2 July 2008 - Documentation as a Collaborative Process

Invited Lecture: Tech Scout (www.techscout.co.il)
Presenter: Gloria G. Kinrot, CEO, U-Solve
Audience: All Documentation Professionals
Venue: Visitor’s Center Lecture Hall, Yad Labanim, Ra’anana
Photos: Courtesy of Susan Gordon

About the Topic: It was very natural for me to select the topic, Documentation as a Collaborative Process, for this audience. This topic has been the core of my work, expertise and belief for over the last 10 years or so. In Comverse, FIS Software and as a consultant. The combination of producing business content for various roles & types of documentation has been a central theme for me. With the challenge of choosing the right people, process and tools to fit the organization. To single source, keep up-to-date and re-use content within everyday business processes for requirements, proposals, marketing & technical information. The lecture is based on a case study of my work at FIS Software, tailored to technical communicators. The principles apply throughout the organization – for Management, project managers, product managers, sales, marketing, human resources, etc.

I strive to provide a thought-provoking & interactive exchange for participants. Presenting, questioning, listening, discussing & gathering ideas to continue to ponder upon during & after the lecture.