Business Development Coaching

Whether new or growing business, many professionals starting a business feel overwhelmed, lacking skills in running a business, stressed, out of balance. Something feels not quite right.  What is it?  Me? The people? The model?  What's missing?  What's next?

Business Development Challenges

Looking for a sounding board.

  • To bounce off ideas and plans.
  • To prioritize.
  • To manage stress.
  • To balance work and the rest of life.
  • To realize potential

Looking for feedback from an objective professional who's got experience and know-how.

  • To assess self.
  • To understand strengths and short-comings.
  • To get an objective perspective.
  • To navigate organizational politics.
  • To upgrade management and leadership.

Looking to deepen relationships and influence others for more impact.

  • To understand self.
  • To understand others.
  • To expand range of emotional intelligence.
  • To manage team.
  • To create buy-in.
  • To get shared vision and values.

Business Development coaching provides the sounding board, objective professional and deepening of relationship for impact that you're looking for....

  • With a seasoned professional who's been in the trenches
  • Experienced in what it takes to transition into starting a business and growing it for success,
  • Skilled at helping you to clarity, focus and success!

If you're not getting the results you want, it might be worthwhile for you to explore coaching.  You'll get lots of value in each session.

Just email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to set up a call.


“Gloria has ample personal experience in the hi-tech industry, which enabled her to relate very well to my issues and questions. She assisted me very much in understanding my priorities, in my career, life in general and work-life balance.”

- Ran Lev, Director Project Management

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